Mindset Book Review

Mindset Book Review: The New Approach to Ye Bhi Theek Hai Attitude

I know reading self-improvement books is boring, but sometimes we need to come out of the fancy world of romantic fantasies (which won’t to be true, not in this life). Instead, sometimes we should read some practical book which promotes a healthy mindset. Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, a book by Carol S. Dweck has skewed my idea of success. If I give you Mindset Book Review, it has me all changed. The book talks extensively about the concept of growth and a fixed mindset. I enjoyed these concepts, and kept reading all day long because come on, Ye Bhi Theek Hai.

The entire book works on a simple motive that it is not our ability or skills that decided whether we will be able to gain any success it is our mindset. Believe me, I couldn’t agree more. After “3 Idiots” this is the first work that has pushed me to focus and reflect on my mindset & writing the Mindset book review. Remember when Rancho said “Bachcha kabil bano, kabil … kamyabi toh saali jhak maarke peeche bhagegi”, this book goes a little differently “Mindset change karo, mindset… success khud peeche bhageggi”. Even though the entire book brags about the same idea which makes it a little difficult to read above 150 pages, the entire premises on which the book is based is excellent.

The fixed and growth mindset according to Carol S. Dweck

According to the author, a fixed mindset is the belief that our “intelligence is static” and the constant thought that we cannot reach our full potential. A person with a fixed mindset simply accepts the fact that they are not smart enough and even stops trying (well, we all have been there).  Carol, in her book, explains that people with a fixed mindset give up easily and always tend to ignore constructive feedback from others and are threatened by others’ success. Now if this is somewhere describing you, there is good news, we can work on it and adopt a growth mindset.

The concept of a growth mindset as described by Carol in her book refers to the idea that “intelligence can be developed”. People who adopt a growth mind tend to try out new things, learn from their mistakes and embrace new challenges which shape their growth. Working towards success without giving up to improve yourself is what the growth mindset refers to. Carol throughout the book is trying to encourage people to adopt the concept of a growth mindset and to excel in whatever they want.

Is adopting the growth mindset that simple?

Well to reply to the above question, no. It is not easy to read a book and adopt the ideas from it and apply it to our lives the next day. Explaining to a toddler that there is no difference between a peeled and an unpeeled banana is as difficult as training your mind to break out of long-standing habits. Unlike the situation of a toddler, you just cannot give yourself a new brain. Our only option is to develop a growth mindset by working on ourselves and our personal growth. Writing this Mindset book review has helped me re-view my life & personal growth.

Practical Strategies for Developing Mindset in Everyday Life

Here are a few practical strategies that you can adopt in your daily life to develop a growth mindset as per the Mindset Book Review:

  • Embrace Challenge: Get over your marathon-watching habit and look around for real opportunities. Asses the chances through which you might develop skills (not consuming excessively-watching Netflix shows, those aren’t real skills).
  • Foster a positive internal dialogue: For one thing, I know this generation is only sad for aesthetic 60% of the time, guess what it’s time to get over it. It’s high time now, all those self-talks need to be scripted positively. Stopping doubting yourself or feeding negative thoughts to your mind. Take a positive approach and you will see the change.
  • Surround yourself with growth-minded individuals: As I said before, we as a generation only need two friends and two shots to count on all the negative traits of our personality and life. We need to stop that. Gather yourself around more positive people, anyone bragging about the same old piety problems is a red flag.
  • Set realistic goals: We need to set up some goals that are not fantasised or the ones you can only dream about. Divide all your goals into short, long and medium-term periods and try to achieve them.

FAQs related to the Mindset Book Review

How does the book differentiate between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset?

In her book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” Carol S. Dweck distinguishes between a fixed mindset and a growth mindset. The assumption that IQ and talents are permanent attributes and cannot be altered, characterises a fixed mindset. A growth mindset, on the other hand, is the conviction that one’s skills and intellect can be enhanced using hard work, study, and persistence. It emphasises the importance of having a good attitude and being prepared to face obstacles and learn from setbacks.

How does adopting a growth mindset contribute to personal success?

Adopting an attitude of growth promotes individual achievement by cultivating an openness to education, development, and progress. Individuals who have the desire to grow are naturally inclined to welcome difficulties, persevere despite failures, and seek chances for self-improvement. This mindset builds confidence to acquire new skills, overcome challenges, and increases motivation, adaptability, and eagerness for opportunities. Finally, it enables people to realise all of their abilities and attain personal achievement.

Is it challenging to adopt a growth mindset after reading the book? What are some potential obstacles?

Cultivating a development attitude after reading the book may be difficult. It necessitates a fundamental change in understanding as well as an eagerness to confront strongly held assumptions. Breaking a fixed mentality can be a slow and steady procedure that takes self-awareness, self-reflection, and constant effort. Fear of failure, self-doubt, reluctance to make adjustments, and a desire for rapid fulfilment are all possible barriers to developing a growth mindset. It is, nevertheless, feasible to create a growth mindset with perseverance and a dedication to personal improvement.

What practical steps can one take to develop a growth mindset in their daily life?

Several practical activities may be taken to cultivate an attitude of growth in everyday life. Embrace challenges, prioritize learning over outcomes, be patient and adaptable, foster a love for learning, surround yourself with growth-oriented individuals, and maintain a positive inner dialogue. Set realistic goals, embrace failure as a chance to learn, and seek valuable feedback to foster a growth mindset. Implementing these tactics regularly will assist in cultivating and fortifying a growth-oriented mentality.

How does embracing and learning from mistakes contribute to developing a mindset?

Recognising and gaining insight from failures is critical for building a growth mindset. Viewing failures as opportunities for growth and development enables people to approach problems positively and openly. Individuals may obtain helpful knowledge, alter their plans, and grow from their failures by analysing and comprehending them. This approach fosters resilience, flexibility, and the belief that skills can be acquired through hard work and study, promoting growth.

Why is it beneficial to celebrate the success of others when working on personal growth?

Celebrating the achievements of others while focusing on one’s growth is advantageous for several reasons. For starters, it encourages individual and communal development by creating a pleasant and encouraging atmosphere. Honouring the accomplishments others have achieved shifts the emphasis from competitiveness to cooperation and supports peer learning. Promoting an abundance mindset, and praising others emphasizes that achievement is not limited and fosters positivity. Praising others’ achievements fosters empathy, humility, and belonging, vital for personal growth and development.

How can seeking constructive feedback from others aid in fostering a growth mindset?

Seeking helpful suggestions from others might help you develop a growth mentality. Constructive feedback provides essential insights regarding opportunities for progress, identifies blind spots, and provides new views. Professionals display a commitment to learning and progress by seeking out criticism. This technique assists them in identifying places in which they may improve their abilities and understanding. Feedback challenges views, and inspire acceptance of diverse perspectives, fostering versatility and openness crucial for a growth mindset.


Yeah, I know even these don’t sound very simple, but come on no pain no gain. There is no elevator to success take the stairs, yeah that sounds cringy but success doesn’t. So, try to adopt the ideas of a growth mindset and give this book by Carol S. Dweck a try. Apply some more practical approaches and change both the inner thinking and the external environment that we are living in. Let yourself be the definition of a growth mindset.

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