Small online businesses: How to personalize customer services? 

Pandemic, digitalization & easy access to the internet has impacted businesses globally in every field. The eCommerce platform is taking new turns to provide the customer with an easy and hassle-free shopping experience.  

There has been a steep rise in online businesses and their success. Most people are running to highlight their presence online, and others will have to get upgraded with the time and must come on online platforms to survive.  Online businesses should provide a user-friendly interface. They should create services that can connect with the customers and make them feel connected. There are several ways to customize customer services and build significant leads to customers. Let us have a look at these solutions to improve client services for the better. 

Act, Interact and Connect

Interaction with your customers and using their first names connects them to your company as their own. Inviting your long-time customers as VIP customers during your sale days with personalized invitations can be a great effort. Making them feel important and an asset keeps you in their eye. They acknowledge you better and prioritize you over others amidst a volatile and competitive market.   

Personalized wishes

Sending customized cards for holidays and birthday makes them feel valued. People like to feel special on this day, and a wishing call or message can make their day. This call and a little discount on that day will attract your customer. It would win you a customer and the sale of the product on the surplus. If you belong in the town for a long time, you can also send holiday cards to your fixed clients from your side. A thoughtful write-up wishing them a great start to their new year can go a long way. Include a unique offer coupon code on a small business card. You should include them inside every card to help increase sales of service.  

Engage Creatively  

A psychologically proven fact that people attract to creative content than monotonous commanding content. The interactive two-way conversation will win people rather than a boring one-way conversation. Big brands like Netflix and Zomato use unique and engaging pickup lines to attract customer attention. For instance, “What’s ahead?” before a series on Netflix will make people curious and awaited. Something as simple as inquiring about the weather of the area can help. You can ask about their weekend plans to humanize the experience.  

Get Feedbacks

Today reviews are very crucial. They recognize the actual worth of the product amidst high competition and a corridor away from marketing. Why not use those reviews as the pillar for recommending your clients? Suggestions and recommendations based on the earlier customer’s feedback are another way to personalize the services. Some algorithms work over the website and analyze different customer’s choices and requirements. Based on these analyses, you can recommend the series of products and their ranks to new customers. This aspect helps a customer to get a better outlook of the products. It enhances their preferences depending on other’s experiences. 

Diversify modes of Query solving

Customers are an asset to any business enterprise. So, supplying them with multiple ways of solving their problems and complaints enhances their experience. Cater to their needs through distinct modes of the chatbox to register the complaint; others might like video calls. You must be available with every choice. The immediate solution to their issue will increase trust in them for you.  

Promote, Promote, Promote!

You can make promotional videos before the launch of the new product. A poster or a banner may bore and easily ignored, but a video attracts attention. The extra work will be worth the returns. You can also use the concept of VIP customers and select a few regular customers. Keep them exclusive and send them before the general public knows about the launch of the product.   

Show your Good Side 

Charity is something people like to do. Isn’t it interesting that people who pay for the product also donate a few bucks out of it? Yes, so why not touch their emotional side! You can try this as well by donating a chunk to any NGO (Non-Governmental Organization), orphanage, widow house, or any other needy trust. You can keep special drives of donation where customers can choose to donate or be an eyewitness to your social side. These can be used for the promotion of your business as well.   

Reward their importance

Sending freebies like a small thank-you note, pocket diary, stickers, magnetic badges with your products can also make customers happy. Appreciate customers with small Boucher cards. Organizing customer appreciation day can make a significant difference to your sale. These cards will bring back your customers to your platform. Once a visit and an excellent experience on the earlier purchase will convert them in your favor. 

The fatality of the virus has urged people to stay home, increasing online sales. In the future, the market expects a boost in e-commerce growth rates as online marketplaces will be less impacted than offline retailers. Those who recently invested in digital platforms with an online presence are also trying to survive.  

The developments in technologies have proven to be the savior in pandemic times where communication with friends, family, and colleagues is on hold. Online shopping as a possibility has played a vital role in fulfilling people’s requirements. The latest addition is augmented reality (AR) which is an essential part of online shopping. It helps buyers make decisions from their comfortable homes. Thus, the only choice is to upgrade with time and mark our presence on online platforms with utmost sincerity and positivity to provide people with a great experience.  

Published by

Ronak jain

An engineer by degree, marketer by profession, conversationist by passion, and a storytelling traveler by imagination. A full-time sleepy lazy in reality.

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